Performance Sire Program Update | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Performance Sire Program Update

The performance sire program is progressing well. The latest round of voting is now complete (with voting closing on November 17 2007) and the results of the ballot are shown below. The list of nominated sires has also been included. The semen from the selected sires will be collected and distributed in time for the coming mating.

Results of ballot:

Link sire:                 Coora 386/06

2 candidate sires:   Quamby Plains 134/05  and  Coora 225/04

The nominated sires were:

Nayook South  118/2006
Nayook South  46/2006
Quamby Plains 134/2005
Wye 7/2006
Wye 58/2006
Roseville 225/2006
Roseville 57/2003
Coora  386/2006
Coora  225/2003

ASBV on these rams are available on the LAMBPLAN web page though the search program.

Performance Group Chariman - J Gough

Vice Chairman - W Jenkin


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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