2013 Bendigo ASBA | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Bendigo ASBA Results 2013

Ram Judge:     James Sidney – New Zealand
Ewe Judge:     Jan Hunt- South Australia
Shorn Judge:     Ralph Speirs - Victoria
School’s Judge: Geof Risbey - Victoria


Supreme Champion Corriedale - Wettenhall PerpetualTrophy - Stanbury WCH

Most Successful Exhibitor Late J.G. Guthrie Perperual Cup Liberton Corriedales

The Goxhill Perpetual Trophy - Most successful in shorn Classes - Ballarat Grammar


Supreme Australian Longwool Interbreed Champion -  Stanbury WCH

Supreme Australian Longwool Interbreed Group - Liberton Corriedales

Grand Champion Ram-John Savage Memorial Trophy – Stanbury WCH

Senior Champion Ram – Stanbury WCH

Reserve Senior Champion Ram – Stanbury WCH

Junior Champion Ram – R.E. Wettenhall Trophy – Stanbury WCH

Reserve Junior Champion Ram -  Loddon Park

Grand Champion Ewe ‘Jill Savage’ Memorial Trophy – Loddon Park

Senior Champion Ewe  Liberton Corriedales -  Roseville

Reserve  Senior Champion Ewe - Liberton Corriedales

Junior Champion Ewe Wahroonga Park Trophy – Loddon Park

Reserve Junior Champion Ewe - Liberton Corriedales

Champion Shorn Sheep The Roy Baker Trophy - Liberton Corriedales

Reserve Champion Shorn Sheep – Loddon Park

National Pair of Rams – Stanbury WCH


Ram over 2-1/2: 1st Stanbury WCH 2nd Stanbury WCH  3rd Streanshalh

Ram over 1-1/2 and under 2-1/2 years: 1st Stanbury WCH 2nd Stanbury WCH 3rd Liberton Corriedales

Ram under 1-1/2 years showing full mouth of milk teeth: 1st Stanbury WCH 2nd Liberton Corriedales 3rd Liberton Corriedales

Ram under 1-1/2 years: 1st Stanbury WCH 2nd Liberton Corriedales 3rd Liberton Corriedales

Ram under 1-1/2 years born after the 1st August: 1st Croydon  2nd Blackwood

Ram over 1-1/2  closely and evenly shorn after 1st March: 1st Croydon 2nd Quamby Plains 3rd Blackwood

Ram uner 1-1/2 years born after the 1st August shorn on or after the 1st March: 1st Loddon Park  2nd Croydon  3rd Blackwood

Ram under 1-1/2 closely and evenly shorn after the 1st march: 1st Loddon Park 2nd Loddon Park 3rd Haven Park

Pair of Rams any Age  1st Ballarat Grammar Ram over 1-1/2 closely and evenly shorn after 1st July: 1st Stanbury WCH 2nd Liberton Corriedales 3rd Ballarat Grammar

Ram under 1-1/2 years closely and evenly shorn after the 1st July: 1st Loddon Park 2nd Stanbury WCH 3rd Roseville

Geoff Shannon Memorial Objective measurement ‘Coora’ Trophy: 1st Quamby Plains 2nd Blackwood 3rd Roseville


Special Classes Schools

The special classes for schools was judged by: Geof Risbey

Ram over 1-1/2: 1st Woodleigh 2nd Ballarat Grammar 3rd Elizabeth Murdoch

Ram under 1-1/2: 1st Ballarat Grammar 2nd Ballarat Grammar 3rd Woodleigh

Ewe over 1-1/2: 1st Woodleigh  2nd Flinders College    3rd Chairo

Ewe over 1-1/2 (with Lamb at foot): 1st Woodleigh 2nd Ballarat Grammar 3rd Woodleigh

Ewe over 1-1/2 (with lamb at foot): 1st Woodleigh 2nd Ballarat Grammar 3rd Kinatura

Ewe under 1-1/2: 1st Ballarat Grammar 2nd Elizabeth Murdoch 3rd Elizabeth Murdoch

Ewe under 1-1/2: 1st Woolondoon  2nd Elizabeth Murdoch 3rd Ballarat Grammar

Ewe over 2-1/2: 1st Chairo  2nd Chairo 3rd Ballarat Grammar

Ewe over 1-1/2 & under 2-1/2: 1st Ballarat Grammar 2nd Liberton 3rd Woolondoon

Ewe under 1-1/2 milk tooth: 1st Liberton Corriedales 2nd Roseville 3rd Ballarat Grammar

Ewe under 1-1/2: 1st Liberton 2nd Chairo 3rd Chairo

Ewe under 1-1/2 years born on or after the 1st August: 1st Elizabeth Murdoch 2nd Ballarat College

Ewe over 1-1/2 years March Shorn: 1st Roseville 2nd. Liberton3rd Woodleigh

Ewe under 1-1/2 years March Shorn: 1st Loddon Park 2nd Liberton 3rd Liberton

Ewe under 1-1/2 years born on or after the 1st August: 1st Loddon Park 2nd Roseville 3rd Woodleigh

Ewe any age with Progeny at foot: 1st Woodleigh 2nd Woodleigh 3rd Kinatura

Pair of Ewes any age: 1st Elizabeth Murdoch 2nd Ballarat Grammar 3rd Corriedale Hills

Ewe under 1-1/2 years closely and evenly shorn: 1st Ballarat Grammar

Ewe over 1-1/2 Years closely and evenly shorn: 1st. Liberton Corriedales 2nd Ballarat Grammar

Best Corriedale Sheep exhibitied by a School- Sponsor Liberton Corriedales: 1st Woodleigh School

School Group 1Ram & 1 Ewe: sponsored by B. Hamblin –Toolleen: 1st. Woodleigh School


R.E. Wettenhall Trophy Best Head: Stanbury WCH

Corriedale Group of Four: 1st Liberton 2nd Woodleigh 3rd Ballarat Grammar

Loddon Park Trophy - Group of  1Ram & 2 Ewes under 1-1/2 years: 1st. Liberton   2nd Liberton  3rd Corriedale Hills

Ken Smith Memorial Trophy for Sires Progeny Group: 1st Liberton  2nd Quamby Plains 3rd Woodleigh

C.B.T. Gates Memorial Perpetual Trophy- Best First Year Exhibitor: Flinders Christian Community College

Best March Shorn Ram: Loddon Park

Best March Shorn Ewe: Loddon Park


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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