Mr. Ian MacKinnon, Tas, was the judge for the ewe section.
Mr. Brenton Lush, SA, was the judge for the ram section and national pairs.
Supreme champion -Wettenhall Perpetual Trophy
Gambier View
Most successful exhibitor - The Late J.R. Guthrie Perpetual Cup
Most successful exhibitor Shorn Classes - The Goxhill Perpetual Trophy
Grand champion ram any age - John Savage Memorial Trophy
Gambier View
Senior champion ram, over 1 years old
Gambier View
Reserve senior champion ram, over 1 years old
Quamby Plains
Junior champion ram under 1 years - Hopeglen Stud Trophy
Reserve junior champion ram under 1 years
Grand champion ewe any age - Jill Savage Memorial Trophy
Gambier View
Senior champion ewe, over 1 years old
Gambier View
Reserve senior ewe, over 1 years old
Gambier View
Junior champion ewe, under 1 years old - Wahroonga Park Trophy
Reserve junior champion ewe, under 1 years old
Champion shorn sheep - The Roy Baker Trophy
Reserve champion shorn sheep
Best March shorn ram - any age
Best March shorn ewe - any age
Class C015 - Ewe over 2 years old
Gambier View, 1; St. Gregory's, 2; Chairo, 3.
Class C016 - Ewe over 1 and under 2 years old
Liberton, 1 & 2; Chairo, 3.
Class C017 - Ewe under 1 years old, showing a full mouth of milk teeth
Liberton, 1 & 3; Wye, 2.
Class C018 - Ewe under 1 years old
Liberton, 1; Loddon Park, 2.
Class C019 - Ewe under 1 years old born on or after 1st August
Roseville, 1.
Class C020 -Ewe over 1 years old, closely and evenly shorn on or after 1st March
Roseville, 1; Gambier View, 2; Elisabeth Murdoch, 3.
Class C021 - Ewe under 1 years old, closely and evenly shorn on or after 1st March
Sweetfield, 1; Loddon Park, 2; Liberton, 3.
Class C022 - Ewe under 1 years old, born after 1st August shorn on or after 1st March
Loddon Park, 1; St. Gregory's, 2; Gambier View, 3.
Class C023 - Ewe any age with progeny at foot or visibly in lamb
Gambier View, 1; Chairo, 2; Ballarat Grammar, 3.
Class C024 - Pair of ewes - any age
Ballarat Grammar, 1 & 2.
Class C025 - Ewe under 1 years old, closely and evenly shorn on or after 1st July in the year of the show
Liberton, 1; Wye, 2; Sweetfield, 3.
Class C026 - Ewe over 1 years old, closely and evenly shorn on or after 1st July in the year of the show
St. Gregory's, 1.
Class C031 - Best sheep exhibited by a school - (Liberton prize)
Elisabeth Murdoch College, 1.
Class C032 - School group 1 ram and 1 ewe any age - (B. Hamblin prize)
St. Gregory's College, 1.
Class C033 - Best head on a ram at the show - (R.E. Wettenhall Trophy)
Gambier View, 1.
Class C034 - Group ram and ewe under 1 years and ram and ewe over 1 years from ordinary classes
Liberton, 1; Ballarat Grammar, 2.
Class C035 - Group 1 ram and 2 ewes under 1 years old bred by exhibitor - (Loddon Park Trophy)
Liberton, 1.
Class C036 - Sires progeny group 3 sheep, rams or ewes any age, the progeny of 1 sire - (Ken Smith Memorial Trophy)
Quamby Plains, 1; Ballarat Grammar, 2; Sweetfield, 3.
Class C037 - Best sheep shown by first year exhibitor - (C.B.T Gates Memorial Perpetual Trophy)
Class C01 - National Pair of rams - State Winners
Quamby Plains
South Australia
Overall National Winner
Class C02 - Ram over 2 years old
Quamby Plains, 1; Stanbury, 2 & 3.
Class C03 - Ram over 1 and under 2 years - (50's - 54's approx. 28-31 microns)
Quamby Plains, 1; Roseville, 2; Liberton, 3.
Class C04 - Ram over 1 1/2 and under 2 years - (56's - 58's approx 25-28 microns)
Gambier View, 1; Quamby Plains, 2 & 3.
Class C05 - Ram under 1 years old showing full mouth of milk teeth
Liberton, 1; Wye, 2; Blackwood, 3.
Class C06 - Ram under 1 years old
Liberton, 1; Sweetfield, 2; Wye, 3.
Class C07 - Ram under 1 years old born on or after 1st August
Roseville, 1; Blackwood, 2.
Class C08 - Ram over 1 year old, closely and evenly machine shorn after 1st March
Wye, 1; Gambier View, 2; Stanbury, 3.
Class C09 - Ram under 1 years old born after 1st August shorn on or after 1st March
St. Gregory's, 1; Gambier View, 2; Loddon Park, 3.
Class C010 - Ram under 1 years old, closely and evenly machine shorn after 1st March
Wye, 1; Sweetfield, 2; Liberton, 3.
Class C011 - pair of rams - any age
Class C012 - Ram over 1 years old, closely and evenly shorn on or after 1st July in the year of the show
Liberton, 1, St. Gregory's, 2; Stanbury, 3.
Class C013 - Ram under 1 years old, closely and evenly shorn on or after 1st July in the year of the show
Sweetfield, 1; Wye, 2 & 3.
Class C014 - Ram, any age with minimum 6 weeks wool - Lambplan ASBV's supplied - (The Geoff Shannon Memorial Trophy)
Quamby Plains, 1; Roseville, 2; Blackwood, 3.
Class C027 - Ram over 1 years old
St. Gregory's, 1 & 3; Ballarat Grammar, 2.
Class C028 - Ram under 1 years old
Elisabeth Murdoch, 1; St. Gregory's, 2; Ballarat Grammar, 3.
Class C029 - Ewe, over 1 years old
Woodleigh, 1; Ballarat Grammar, 2 & 3.
Class C030 - Ewe, under 1 years old
St. Gregory's, 1; Ballarat Grammar, 2 & 3.
Students under 13
Joshua Battersby- (Chairo), 1; Alex Wade -(MAHS), 2; Briana Watkins - (MAHS), 3; Ashlin Bailey - (Elisabeth Murdoch College), equal 3.
Students 14-15
Sam Featherby - (Elisabeth Murdoch College), 1; Matt Grooby -(Elisabeth Murdoch College), 2; Daniel Moselle - (Woodley), 3; Lauren Battersby - (Chairo), 4; Steph Roefs - (Chairo), 5.
Students 16 and over
Sophie McCracken-Evans - (Tintern), 1; Darcy Ryder - (Tintern), 2; Lachlan McAllister - (FHS), 3; Scott Hammond - (Ballarat), 4; Catharine Rushton, 5; Anna Dye - (Scotts), 6.
Many thanks to Bruce Hamblin and his team, the teachers who enthusiastically assist, and to the sponsorship from the Baker family and Rural Finance.