Ram Judge: Mr. Brenton Lush
Ewe Judge: Mr. Peter Dufty
Interbreed longwool ewe champion: Liberton
Reserve longwool ram champion: Liberton
Supreme Corriedale ram: Liberton
Supreme Corriedale ewe: Liberton
Senior champion ram: Gambier View
Reserve senior champion ram: Stanbury WCH
Junior champion ram: Liberton
Reserve junior champion ram: Haven Park
Champion March shorn ram: Gambier View
Reserve champion March shorn ram: Wye
Senior champion ewe: Liberton
Reserve senior champion ewe: Gambier View
Junior champion ewe: Liberton
Reserve champion ewe: Sweetfield
Champion March shorn ram: Wye
Reserve champion March shorn ram: Ballarat Grammar
Champion shorn ram: Liberton
Reserve champion shorn ram: Croydon
Champion shorn ewe: Liberton
Reserve champion shorn ewe: Wye
Champion unhoused ram: Haven Park
Reserve champion unhoused ram: Haven Park
Champion unhoused ewe: Wye
Reserve champion unhoused ewe: Sweetfield
Most successful exhibitor: Liberton

Left to right- Grace Calder holding the Supreme Champion Corriedale Ewe & Interbreed
Champion Ewe, Brenda Venters holding the Senior Champion Corriedale Ewe and Jim Venters
holding the Supreme Champion Corriedale Ram & Reserve Interbreed Champion Ram.
Photo courtesy, Wayne Jenkins.
Special Production Classes
Class 80 - Ram –any age, minimum 6 weeks wool
Coora, 1 & 2.
Class 81 - Lambplan under 2 ½ years using Lambplan data (3 rams)
Coora, 1 & 2.
Corriedale Unhoused
Class 82 - Ram under 1 ½ years
Haven Park, 1 & 2; Wye, 3.
Class 83- Ram over 1 ½ years
Haven Park, 1; Croydon, 2.
Class 84 Ewe under 1 ½ years
Wye, 1; Sweetfield, 2.
Corriedale Shorn Classes
Class 86- Ram under 1 ½ years
Wye, 1 & 3; Sweetfield, 2.
Class 87 - Ram over 1 ½ years
Liberton, 1; Croydon, 2; Stanbury WCH, 3.
Class 88 - Ewe under 1 ½ years
Wye, 1 & 2; Sweetfield, 3.
Class 89 - Ewe over 1 ½ years
Liberton, 1; Sweetfield, 2.
Corriedale March shorn classes
Class 90 - Ram under 1 ½ years to be shorn after the 1st March 2009
Wye, 1 & 3; Sweetfield, 2.
Class 91 - Ram over 1 ½ years to be shorn after the 1st March 2009
Gambier View, 1; Stanbury WCH, 2; Haven Park, 3.
Class 92 - Ewe under 1 ½ years to be shorn after the 1st March 2009
Wye, 1 & 2; Gambier View, 3.
Class 93 - Ewe over 1 ½ years to be shorn after the 1st March 2009
Ballarat Grammar, 1, 2 & 3.
Corriedale open classes
Class 94 - Ram milk tooth only
Liberton, 1; Haven Park, 2; Stanbury WCH, 3.
Class 95 - Ram under 1 ½ years
Wye, 1; Liberton, 2.
Class 96 - Ram over 1 ½ years and under 2 ½ years (50-54’s)
Stanbury WCH, 1.
Class 97 - Ram over 1 ½ years and under 2 ½ years (56-58’s)
Stanbury WCH, 1; Liberton, 2.
Class 98 - Ram over 2 years
Stanbury WCH, 1 & 2.
Class 99 - Ewe milk tooth only
Liberton, 1; Wye, 2.
Class 100 - Ewe under 1 ½ years
Sweetfield, 1; Liberton, 2.
Class 101 - Ewe over 1 ½ years and under 2 ½ years
Liberton, 1 & 2.
Class 102 - Ewe over 2 ½ years
Gambier View, 1.
Class 103 - Group 1 ram and 2 ewes any age
Sweetfield, 1; Wye, 2; Liberton, 3.
Interbreed Lambplan class for Corriedale and border breeds.
Coora, 1 and 2.
Interbreed Lambplan class for Corriedale and border breeds.
Coora, 1 and 2.