2008 Ballarat and District Sheep Show | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Judge - Mr Bruce Hamblin, Toolleen (VIC)


Supreme Interbreed Longwool Ram Exhibit - Stanbury Corriedales
Champion Corriedale Ram - Stanbury Corriedales
Reserve Champion Ram - Liberton
Champion Corriedale Ewe – Liberton
Reserve Champion Corriedale Ewe - Sweetfield

Supreme Interbreed Longwool Ram - Stanbury Corriedales


Class: 130  -  Corriedale Ram under 1.5 years
1 Sweetfield
2 Liberton
3 Liberton

Class: 131  -  Corriedale Ram over 1.5 & under 2.5 years
1 Stanbury Corriedales
2 Liberton
3 Liberton

Class: 132  -  Corriedale Ram over 2.5 years
1 Stanbury Corriedales

Class: 134  -  Corriedale Ewe under 1.5 years
1 Liberton
2 Sweetfield

Class: 135  -  Corriedale Ewe over 1.5 and under 2.5 years
1 Liberton
2 Liberton

Class: 137  -  Corriedale Group of Four consisting of a Ram & Ewe over 1.5 years and Ram & Ewe over 1.5 years
3 Liberton

Class: 138  -  Corriedale Ram showing not more than 6 teeth and carrying not more than one inch of wool
1 Liberton
2 Stanbury Corriedales
3 Sweetfield

Class: 139  -  Corriedale Ewe showing not more than 6 teeth and carrying not more than one inch of wool
1 Sweetfield

Class: 140  -  Lal-Lal Trophy - group of two rams and 2 ewes any age
1 Liberton

Class: 141  -  Corriedale Sires Fleece from a Corriedale ram
1 Stanbury Corriedales


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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