2007 Corriedale Social Day - February | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Corriedale Social Day held at Tony and Jan Hunt's South Australia

A small but enthusiastic number spent a very pleasant day at Bimbadeen,the home of Jan and Tony Hunt for the Corriedale Social Day, held on Feburary 4th.
We were pleased to have breeders from N.S.W.,Tasmania,Victoria as well as those from S.A.
The weather was perfect, just right for the small children present to enjoy the water slide which entertained the adults and watered the Hunts lawn!
Thanks to Wally Jenkin and Tom Hunt for doing the barbequing.
Thankyou to Andrew Nicolson, our Federal President, and Tony and Judy Manchester for making the effort to come such a long way, as well as the other members who travelled long distances.It was great to catch up with so many, away from the hustle and bustle of the show scene.





About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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