2005 Junior Judging Results | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Junior Judging competition 2005 Bendigo ASBA

submitted by Bruce Hamlin

A very successful Junior Judging competition was held at the
Bendigo Sheep & Wool Show on Sunday, 17th July.

In 2005 the competition was changed to 3 different age groups, which spread
the entrants more evenly.

 13 years & under had 31 entrants, 

 14-15 years had 25 entrants 

 16 years & over had 36 entrants  making a total of 92 competitors.

Thank you to the Corriedale breeders who supplied the eight sheep on the day,
the Assessing Overjudges - Jim Gough & Geoff Risbey, the Handler Overjudges -
Brenda Venters & Richard Higgins, the Microphone speaking Overjudge - Judith
Nicolson, the all important "paperwork girls" - Bec Hunt, Bronwyn Ellis and
Judith Nicolson, the Timekeeper & Coordinator - Jim Venters and the MC/Score
calculator - Craig Turner.  Without your imput and dedication this
competition would not happen.

A very special thank you to Peter & Marie Bake for sponsoring the prizes
given to the winner of each age section.

This competition has been an asset to the Corriedale Association, as several
colleges now have Corriedale studs.  This is attributed to the dedicated
Corriedale members who support this education program.

WINNERS  -  13 years and under

1st   -  Bianca Stockley
2nd  -  Catherine Rushton
3rd  -  Brandon MacLaren
4th  -  Melanie Peck
5th  -  Michelle Egan
6th  -  Jeremy Lafferty
7th  -  Michael Curtis
8th  -  Robert Milton

WINNERS  -  14-15 years

1st   -  Amy Turton
= 2nd  -  Todd Ware/Rachael Cochrane
4th  -  Callum Knight
5th  -  Letisha Salske
6th  -  Kim Jones
7th  -  Alysce MacLaren
8th  -  Bettina Wallace

WINNERS  - 16 years & over

1st   -  Matt Brown
2nd  -  Amy Crosby
3rd  -  Josh Matheson
4th  -  Megan Taylor
5th  -  Katherine Bowler
6th  -  Nick Heam
7th  -  Joanna Newton
8th  -  Debbie Wallwork

One again, thank you and see you all again in 2006.

Bruce Hamblin


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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