2004 Campbell Town Show | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Judge of the Corriedale section at the 2004 Campbell Town Show, Tasmania, in June was Mr. Don Walker, Meander Rise, Carrick, Tas.

J.M. Savage, Gambier View, Derrinallum, Vic., took out both the champion ram and champion ewe awards while J.A. Nicolson, Streanshalh, Campbell Town exhibited both the reserve champions.

Other breeders in the awards included I.M. MacKinnon & Co., Glen Esk, Conara; Compton Archer & Son, Quamby Plains, Hagley, Tas. and P.A.C. Taylor, Great Western, Green Hill, Campbell Town.


Unprotected ram, over 1 ½ years
Streanshalh, 1 & 2; Great Western, 3.

Ram under 1 ½ years
Glen Esk, 1 & 3; Gambier View, 2.

Pair of rams under 1 ½ years
Streanshalh, 1 & 3; Great Western, 2.

Ram 2 ½ - 1 ½ years
Quamby Plains, 1 & 3; Gambier View, 2.

Pair of rams 2 ½ - 1 ½ years
Quamby Plains, 1.

Ram over 2 ½ years
Gambier View, 1; Streanshalh, 2; Quamby Plains, 3.

Unprotected ewe, over 1 ½ years
Streanshalh, 1 & 3; Great Western, 2.

Ewe under 1 ½ years
Great Western, 1 & 2; Streanshalh, 3.

Ewe 2 ½ - 1 ½ years
Gambier View, 1; Streanshalh, 2; Great Western, 3.

Ewe over 2 ½ years
Gambier View, 1.

Champion Ram
Gambier View

Reserve Champion Ram

Champion Ewe
Gambier View

Reserve Champion Ewe

Junior Champion Ram and Whitfeld Trophy
Glen Esk

Junior Champion Ewe (N.A. & J.R. Nicolson Trophy)
Great Western

Ram and Ewe 2 ½ - 1 ½ years (A. McL MacKinnon Trophy)
Gambier View

Ram and ewe under 1 ½
Great Western

Ram with best head (Glen Esk Trophy)
Quamby Plains

Ram with best sires fleece (J.A.B. Finlay Trophy)
Quamby Plains

Sires Progeny Group
Glen Esk

Most Successful Exhibitor (Ronald Lyne Trophy)
Gambier View

Corriedale Fleece Results

Champion Corriedale Fleece (R.V. Bowden Memorial Trophy)
Quamby Plains

Corriedale Ram
Quamby Plains, 1; Streanshalh, 2; Glen Esk, 3.

Corriedale Ewe
Streanshalh, 1; Glen Esk, 2.

Corriedale Ram and Ewe

Group of three Corriedale Fleeces


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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