2004 ASBA Show Bendigo | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Judges in the Corriedale section were Charles Prell (Rams), Colin Taylor (Ewes and Shorn Section) and Michael Deppeler (National Pairs)

Junior Champion Ram – under 1 ½ years old - Hopeglen Stud Trophy, presented by Ian G. Dufty

Reserve Champion Junior Champion Ram – under 1 ½ years old
Loddon Park

Senior Champion Ram – over 1 ½ years old, presented by R.W. Pettitt
Haven Park

Reserve Senior Champion Ram – over 1 ½ years old
Gambier View

Grand Champion Ram – any age

Junior Champion Ewe – under 1 ½ years old –Wahroonga Park Trophy, presented by K. & M. Moreton.
Loddon Park

Reserve Junior Champion Ewe – under 1 ½ years old

Senior Champion Ewe – over 1 ½ years old
Gambier View

Reserve Senior Champion Ewe – over 1 ½ years old
Gambier View

Grand Champion Ewe – any age – Jill Savage Memorial Trophy
Gambier View

Champion Shorn Sheep – The Roy Baker Trophy
Presented by the Family of the late R.H.R. Baker for award to the Champion shorn Corriedale Sheep of the Show. The Trophy to be won three times by the same exhibitor, not necessarily in succession. The Champion Shorn Sheep shall be eligible to compete for the Supreme Champion Corriedale award.

Gambier View

Supreme Champion Corriedale – Wettenhall Perpetual Trophy valued at $200 and $200 from the Victorian Branch.
Presented by the Trustees of the Estate of the Wettenhall Family (Janet, Darcy, Guy) to commemorate the Stanbury Corriedale Stud, 1952-1992, to the exhibitor of the Supreme Champion Corriedale. Also a Lyco Loader, kindly donated by Lyco Industries.

Gambier View

Detailed awards:

Class 230 – National Pair of Rams
Loddon Park (Vic), 1; Wye (SA), 2; Streanshalh (Tas.), 3.

Class 233 – Ram over 2 ½ years old
Gambier View, 1; Haven Park, 2; Quamby Plains, 3.

Class 234 – Ram under 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st March
Loddon Park, 1; Haven Park, 2 & 4; Wye, 3.

Class 235 – Pen of 2 rams any age.
Loddon Park, 1.

Class 236 – Ram over 1 ½ years old and under 2 ½ years old – (50’s – 54’s, approximately 28-31 microns). The winner will be awarded product supplied by NUTRIMOL
Liberton, 1; Gambier View, 2; Quamby Plains, 3.

Class 237 –Ram over 1 ½ years old and under 2 ½ years old – (56’s – 58’s, approximately 25-28 microns). The winner will be awarded product supplied by NUTRIMOL
Haven Park, 1; Gambier View, 2; Corriedale Hills, 3.

Class 239 - Ram under 1 ½ years old, showing full mouth of milk teeth
Liberton, 1; Wye, 2; Corriedale Hills, 3.

Class 240 – Ram under 1 ½ years old
Liberton, 1; Loddon Park, 2.

Class 241 – Ram over 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July Gambier
View, 1; Loddon Park, 2.

Class 242 – Ram over 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July
Wye, 1; Haven Park, 2; Loddon Park, 3.

Class 243 – Objective Measurement Class – Ram any age with minimum of 6 weeks wool Lambplan EBV’s to be supplied.
Class will be judged in two sections:

The Coora Trophy, presented by Coora Partnership, will be awarded to the winner of the Objective Measurement Class.
Coora, 1, 2 and 3.

Class 244 – Ewe over 2 ½ years old
Gambier View, 1 and 2.

Class 245 – Ewe over 1 ½ years old and under 2 ½ years old
Gambier View, 1; Liberton, 2; Loddon Park, 3.

Class 246 – Ewe over 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly shorn, on or after 1st March
Wye, 1; Elisabeth Murdoch College, 2.

Class 247 – Ewe under 1 ½ years old, showing full mouth of milk teeth
Liberton, 1; Gambier View, 2; Loddon Park, 3.

Class 248 – Ewe under 1 ½ years old
Wye, 1; Campbell Springs, 2; Liberton, 3.

Class 249 – Ewe under 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st March
Loddon Park, 1 & 3; Wye, 2.

Class 250 – Ewe any age, with her own progeny at foot – or visibly in lamb.
Wye, 1; Elisabeth Murdoch College, 2.

Class 251 – Ewe under 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July
Loddon Park, 1; Gambier View, 2; Wye, 3.

Class 252 – Ewe over 1 ½ years old, closely and evenly machine shorn on or after 1st July
Loddon Park, 1; Gambier View, 2.

Class 254 – Group of 1 Corriedale Ram and 1 Corriedale Ewe under 1 ½ years old and 1 Corriedale Ram and 1 Corriedale Ewe over 1 ½ years old to be drawn from ordinary classes
Liberton, 1; Gambier View, 2; Loddon Park, 3.

Class 255 – Group of 2 Corriedale Rams and 2 Corriedale Ewes – age open i.e. 1 Ram and 1 Ewe in the Wool and 1 Ram and 1 Ewe closely and evenly shorn, to be drawn from the ordinary classes.
The Loddon Park Trophy – presented by E.M. Baker

Wye, 1; Gambier View, 2; Loddon Park, 3.

Class 256 – Ken Smith Memorial Trophy for Corriedale Sires Progeny Group to consist of 3 sheep; Rams and/or Ewes any age, the progeny of one sire, to be drawn from the ordinary classes.
An Annual Trophy valued at $100 to be presented by Mr. Paul Hoskins and Mrs. Christine Smith

Loddon Park.

Class 257 – R.E. Wettenhall Trophy for the Best Head – on a Corriedale Ram at the Show.
A Trophy valued at $100 will be presented to the winner. The exhibits to be drawn from any ram class and to be judged by the Ram Judge. Exhibits must be in the wool and due regard must be taken by the judge to ensure that the exhibit is a reputable Corriedale in all aspects, but the prize is to be allotted to the Best Head.

Haven Park.

Class 258 – C.B.T. Gates Memorial Perpetual Trophy
Presented by Mrs. Barbara V. McFarlane and Mrs. Beverley Baker for award to the Best Corriedale Sheep exhibited by a first year Exhibitor, to be drawn from ordinary classes. A Trophy valued at $40 will be presented to the winner.

Roseville and Elisabeth Murdoch College

The J.F. Guthrie Perpetual Cup – Most Successful Exhibitor in the open Corriedale classes.
Gambier View

The Goxhill Perpetual Trophy – Most Successful Exhibitor in the Corriedale Shorn Classes
Loddon Park


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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