2011 Australian Sheep and Wool Show (ASBA), Bendigo | Australian Corriedale Association Inc

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Australian Sheep & Wool Show (ASBA)

2011 Results [See below]  |   2010 Results   |   2009 Results   |   2008 Results   |   2007 Results   |     2006 Results     |     2005 Results     |     2004 Results     |     2003 Results     |     2002 Results     |     2001 Results     | 



Ram Judge:  Richard Higgins, Tasmania

Ewe Judge:  James Walker, Tasmania

Shorn Judge: Keith McLauchlin, Tasmania

School’s Judge: Geof Ruppert, Pennsylvania USA



Leslie Smith Perpetual Challenge Cup
Quamby Plains

Supreme Champion Corriedale-Wettenhall Perpetual Trophy
Quamby Plains


Corriedale Supreme Exhibit 2011 Australian Sheep and Wool Show Bendigo. (Photo- WAYNE JENKINS)

Most Successful Exhibitor Late J.G. Guthrie Perperual Cup
Liberton Corriedales

The Goxhill Perpetual Trophy- Most successful in shorn Classes

/_edit/show_results/2011-BENDIGO-SHEEP-N-WOOL-206-RET.JPGSupreme Australian Longwool Interbreed Group
Liberton Corriedales

Maternal Class
1st – Blackwood (Corriedale)

Grand Champion Ram-John Savage Memorial Trophy
Quamby Plains

Supreme Australian Longwool Interbreed Group - Liberton
From left: Brenda Venters, Geof Ruppert & Jim Venters

photo courtesy Wayne Jenkins photography

Senior Champion Ram
Quamby Plains

Reserve Senior Champion Ram


Junior Champion Ram – R.E. Wettenhall Trophy
Loddon Park

Reserve Junior Champion Ram
Liberton Corriedales

Ram, over 2/12 years
1st Quamby Plains   2nd Streanshalh   3rd Stanbury

Ram over 1-1/2 years old and under 2-1/2 years
1st Quamby Plains   2nd Quamby Plains   3rd Liberton

Ram under 1-1/2 years showing full mouth of milk teeth
1st Wye   2nd Corriedale Hills   3rd Stanbury

Ram, under 1-1/2 years
1st Liberton   2nd Liberton   3rd Wye

Ram, under 1-1/2 years old born on or after 1st August
1st Blackwood   2nd Elizabeth Murdoch

Ram, over 1-1/2 years old, closely and evenly machine shorn including legs, on or after the 1st March
1st Stanbury   2nd Ballarat Grammar   3rd Woodley School

Ram under 1-1/2 years old, born closely and evenly machine shorn including legs, on or after the 1st March
1st Blackwood

Ram under 1-1/2 years old, closely and evenly machine shorn including legs, on or after the 1st March
1st Liberton   2nd Loddon Park   3rd Loddon   4th Wye   5th Liberton

Pair of Rams any age
1st Loddon Park   2nd Quamby Plains   3rd Woodley School

Ram over 1-1/2 years old, closely and evenly machine shorn, on or after the 1st July
1st Stanbury

Ram under 1-1/2 years old, closely and evenly machine shorn, on or after the 1st July
1st Liberton   2nd Wye   3rd Loddon Park

Geoff Shannon Memorial Class for Objective Measurement
1st   Quamby Plains   2nd Blackwood   3rd  Blackwood

Grand Champion Ewe ‘Jill Savage’ Memorial Trophy 

Senior Champion Ewe
Liberton Corriedales

Reserve  Senior Champion Ewe
Liberton Corriedales

Junior Champion Ewe Wahroonga Park Trophy

Reserve Junior Champion Ewe 

Champion Shorn Sheep The Roy Baker Trophy
Liberton Corriedales

Reserve Champion Shorn Sheep

National Pair of Rams
Loddon Park

1st Loddon Park   2nd Liberton Corriedales   3rd Liberton Corriedales

Sth Australia
1st Corriedale Hills   2nd Wye

1st Streanshalh   2nd Quamby


The special classes for schools was judged by the USA  Judge Mr.Geof Ruppert.
He introduced himself to the young people by telling them that when he was young he had managed to obtain an Australian Corriedale Magazine.This was studied with great expectation and he had asked his parents if there was any possibility of a trip to Australia. This was not possible so Geof  attended 4H Clubs and learnt about sheep, which included trimming and fitting the American way, so he was in then involved in showing sheep. He told of how wonderful it was to be in Australia and to be involved with youth at Bendigo ASBA.2011

Ram over 1-1/2 
1st Woodleigh   2nd Ballarat Grammar   3rd Woodleigh

Ram under 1-1/2  
1st Ballarat Grammar   2nd Chairo   3rd Elizabeth Murdoch

Ewe over 1-1/2  
1st Elizabeth Murdoch   2nd Chairo   3rd Chairo

Ewe under 1-1/2  
1st Chairo   2nd Woodleigh   3rd Chairo

Ewe over 2-1/2 
1st Elizabeth Murdoch   2nd Streanshalh   3rd Chairo

Ewe over 1-1/2 & under 2-1/2
1st Liberton   2nd Liberton

Ewe under 1-1/2 milk tooth
1st Sweetfield   2nd Wye   3rd Chairo

Ewe under 1-1/2   
1st Liberton   2nd Chairo   3rd Liberton

Ewe under 1-1/2 years born on or after the 1st August.
1st Elizabeth Murdoch College

Ewe over 1-1/2 years March Shorn
1st Loddon Park   2nd Sweetfield   3rd Liberton

Ewe under 1-1/2 years March Shorn
1st Sweetfield   2nd Wye   3rd Liberton

Ewe under 1-1/2 years born on or after the 1st August
1st Loddon Park

Ewe any age with Progeny at foot
1st Ballarat Grammar   2nd Loddon Park   3rd Woodleigh

Pair of Ewes any age
1st Chairo   2nd Chairo   3rd Ballarat Grammar

Ewe under 1-1/2 years closely and evenly shorn
1st Wye   2nd Wye   3rd Liberton

Best Corriedale Sheep exhibitied by a School - Sponsor Liberton Corriedales
1st Elizabeth Murdoch College

School Group 1Ram & 1 Ewe: sponsored by B. Hamblin –Toolleen
1st. Chairo

R.E. Wettenhall Trophy Best Head

Corriedale Group of Four
1st Liberton   2nd Ballarat Grammar

Loddon Park Trophy: Group of  1Ram & 2 Ewes under 1-1/2 years
1st Liberton   2nd Wye   3rd Liberton

Ken Smith Memorial Trophy for Sires Progeny Group
1st Liberton   2nd Corriedale Hills

C.B.T. Gates Memorial Perpetual Trophy- Best First Year Exhibitor
Grace Calder - Kinatura

Best March Shorn Ram: Loddon Park

Best March Shorn Ewe: Sweetfield


About the Breed

The Corriedale was simultaneously evolved in both Australia and New Zealand about 1874 by selectively breeding from cross bred progeny of pure Merino and Lincoln sheep.

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